We exist to proclaim Christ and to present everyone mature in Him through establishing and networking with biblical churches.
We believe in the Inerrancy, sufficiency and authority of the Scripture. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, God’s Word is God’s self disclosure without which man would never personally know Him nor His way of salvation. God’s Word, therefore, is the only source of salvific knowledge and hence demands our total submission.
We believe that there is but one true and sovereign God who eternally exists in three Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, became incarnate in order to bear man’s sin on the cross. Jesus absorbed the just wrath of God on behalf of the Elect. God’s justice was satisfied and He thus forgives those who trust in Christ.
The Holy Spirit glorifies the Son, convicts the world of sin and effectually calls the elect by regenerating them. The sign gifts ceased with the apostolic age, whereas speaking and serving gifts are exercised by all the believers for the glory of God and the edification of the church.
We believe in the Five Pillars (Solas) of Reformation and the Five Points of Reformation (Calvinism). The Sovereign Grace of God is the raison d’etre people are saved. Man’s will is captive to sin before conversion and to righteousness after conversion. As God graciously grants repentance and faith in Jesus, sinners turn to Christ and are saved and sanctified and finally glorified.
We believe that the local church should be led by biblically qualified Elders and Deacons. The local church exists to exalt God, to edify believers and to evangelise the lost. Those who are born again and witness in immersion baptism and are committed to an obedient life of holiness are invited to church membership. As salt and light of the world, every believer ought to live a vibrant, dynamic Christian life to influence the world for God. Since Christlikeness is the goal of Salvation, we ought to yield to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit Who uses His inspired Word to transform our lives.
We believe that expository preaching is beneficial for the edification of the church. This will help believers to identify false teachings and to flee from prosperity theology which is rampant.
We long for Christ to return to usher us into His glorious Kingdom. We, therefor, plead with unbelievers to repent and turn in faith to Christ in order to escape eternal damnation in hell.